Don't forget the little things! OOPS!
It's exciting to leave your area or studio to venture off to a new and exciting location, even if it is 2 towns over. As a photographer you are always looking for a place that just makes your heart skip a beat or those photos where the light just loved every bit of the subject, you had every little thing you needed and it was glorious!!
Then there are those times you go to a shoot and pray to everything that it works properly and that you were able to make sure you had every little thing.
I remember one-day I decided I needed to take pictures at a certain place and when I had permission I jumped right up and started making sure I had charged batteries, SD cards, lenses. You know just packing from the list in my head.
Googled the address to make sure I was there on time and even took a couple of my own plants from my house. Packed it all up (extremely proud of myself) Got there and everyone was ready. Well, come to find out I was so excited I left both my charged batteries at the house. My house was about 15-20 minutes away and then I had 15-20 minutes to drive back. That was supposed to be the time for the entire photoshoot. I had people waiting on me. I hate that feeling!!!
All things were fine when I finally got back to the place and took my shots. Went to put my camera away and saw that my brilliant mind had also packed my second camera with a fully charged battery....which means....I didn't have to go back home for the other batteries. UGHHH!!!
Sooooo, lesson learned and I have a few tips. Actually make that list and use it. Check it off 1 by 1.
I encourage you to make your own list. Because what you might need for a session might not be what I need. All depends on the style of shoot. It only takes one mistake to ruin a shoot. Make that list and you’ll give yourself a much better chance of success.